Date of last update: 06.12.23

The purpose of this privacy charter (the "Charter") is to formalize the company's (hereinafter: "ARKIPEL") commitment to respecting the privacy of users of the website (hereinafter: "the Site")

 As part of the provision of the Site, ARKIPEL processes your personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 ("GDPR") and under the conditions set out below.

Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. ARKIPEL collects and processes personal data in the context of providing its Services or communicating about these Services exclusively, in strict compliance with the RGPD.

ARKIPEL only collects personal data that is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary with regard to the purposes for which it is processed. People who visit our website

I. Data collected 

 The personal data likely to be collected on the Site are as follows:


- Connection data

Each connection to the Site entails the collection of personal data such as the unique identifier of the device, the model of the device and the operating system, the IP address and MAC address of the computer, the date and time of connection.


- Browsing data

ARKIPEL also collects information enabling it to identify how users access the Site, which pages they consult and for how long. In this context, ARKIPEL may use cookies as described below.


II. Purposes of personal data processing  

Data collected on the Site is used solely for the following purposes:


  • to transmit information relating to the operation of the Site

  • To detect or put a stop to illicit or fraudulent activities, or activities that contravene ARKIPEL's GTUs and Privacy Policy.

  • for advertising and marketing purposes

  • to produce statistical reports on user flows.

The legal basis for all this data processing is :


  • Terms and Conditions of Use

  • User consent

  • The data controller's legitimate interest in ensuring the security of data communicated by users.


III. Protection of personal data

Technical and organizational security measures are in place to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of all personal data, in order to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorized third parties. ARKIPEL ensures an appropriate level of security, taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing, as well as the risks and their likelihood.


IV. Sharing personal data  

- Sharing personal data with third-party companies

When using the Platform, personal data may be shared with third-party companies:

  • when the User authorizes a third-party website to access his/her data

  • When the Platform uses the services of service providers to provide the assistance required by ARKIPEL users, advertising and other services. These service providers have limited access to the User's data for the purposes of providing these services, and are contractually obliged to use it in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data;

Personal data may be transferred to countries outside the European Union.In accordance with the RGPD, all transfers of personal data to a country located outside the European Union and/or not offering a level of protection considered sufficient by the European Commission have been subject to cross-border flow agreements complying with the standard contractual clauses issued by the European Commission.


- Sharing with authorities

ARKIPEL may disclose the personal data of Site users to administrative or judicial authorities when such disclosure is necessary for the identification, arrest or prosecution of any individual likely to harm the rights of ARKIPEL, any other user or any third party. In addition, ARKIPEL may be legally obliged to disclose personal data and may not object to such disclosure.


V. Retention of personal data

ARKIPEL retains personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed, in accordance with the uses set out in this Charter, the GTCU and in compliance with the laws and regulations in force.

After this period, they will be deleted.


VI. Person responsible for processing personal data

For Personal Data collected as part of the creation of the User's personal account and browsing on the Site or Application, the party responsible for processing Personal Data is: the company ARKIPEL represented by its legal representative Charles Houdoy.

As the company responsible for processing the data it collects, ARKIPEL undertakes to comply with the legal provisions in force. In particular, it is the company's responsibility to inform users of the purposes of its data processing, to provide complete information on the processing of their personal data once their consent has been obtained, and to maintain an accurate data processing register.

Whenever ARKIPEL processes Personal Data, it takes all reasonable steps to ensure that the Personal Data is accurate and relevant to the purposes for which it is processed.

VII. User's rights

The user is the sole party to have communicated the data in the possession of the Site, via the Site. Therefore, he/she has rights to his/her personal data. In accordance with regulations on the protection of personal data, in particular Articles 15 to 22 of the RGPD, and after having provided proof of his identity, he may demand access to personal data concerning him, and the rectification or deletion thereof.

In addition, within the limits set by law, he also has the right to object to the processing of his data, to limit it, to decide on the post-mortem fate of his data, to withdraw his consent to the use of his personal data at any time and the right to portability of the personal data provided.

In order to exercise these rights, users may contact the Site at the following e-mail address: enclosing a copy of their identity document with their request.

VIII. Cookies

ARKIPEL specifies that the Site uses "cookies".


A cookie is a text file that may be deposited on a terminal when an online service is consulted using a browser. During its period of validity, a cookie file enables its issuer to recognize the terminal concerned each time this terminal accesses digital content containing cookies from the same issuer.


The purpose of the cookies used by ARKIPEL is to enable it to compile statistics and information on the traffic on its Site and Application, to facilitate navigation and to improve the service for the user's comfort.

For the use of cookies involving the storage and analysis of personal data, the user's consent must be obtained.

In any case, cookies deposited on a user's browsing terminal with his or her consent are destroyed 12 months after they are deposited on said terminal.

Each browser has a different configuration for managing cookies and setting user preferences. It is described in the help menu of the browser used.


For more information on cookies, please consult the CNIL website.


IX. Modification of the Charter

ARKIPEL reserves the right to modify the Charter at any time. Users of the Site are therefore advised to consult it regularly. In the event of modification, the changes will be published on this page in the places deemed appropriate according to the purpose and importance of the changes made, and notified on the Site's home page for a period of 30 days.

Use of the Site after any changes signifies full acceptance of the changes. In the event of refusal of the modifications made to the present Charter, the user must stop using the Site.

X. French Data Protection Authority (CNIL)

In the event of any question relating to the use of personal data, the user may contact the CNIL directly on the CNIL website or by post at the following address: Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715, 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.

Any questions?

We may update this privacy policy from time-to-time, particularly as technology changes. You can always check this page for the latest version. We may also notify you of changes to our privacy policy by email. If you have any questions about how we process personal data, please send an email to